
Our curriculum serves children age two through entry into first grade and features skills that research correlates with school success and aligns with California State standards (Common Core) along with the California Preschool Learning Foundations (these foundations identify paths of learning that support children’s learning.)

We support learning through nine domains:

  • Social-Emotional refers to a child’s ability to identify feelings, self-regulate and build relationships.
  • Physical refers to a child’s gross and fine motor skills. The child also requires adequate nutrition and fitness levels to support healthy growth and motor development.
  • Language and Literacy skills refer to a child’s ability to communicate and connect with others through listening, speaking, reading and writing.  Zoo-phonics® and Handwriting Without Tears® engage the children in fun activities to expand their language skills.
  • Mathematics and Reasoning skills include a child’s ability to count, understand number sense, manipulate objects in space, and create patterns, sort, compare and measure.
  • Social Studies skills refer to a child’s ability to understand themselves in relation to the surrounding world. It includes exploration of roles, responsibilities and cultural traditions.
  • Science include a child’s ability to inquire, predict, and evaluate observations. They support a child’s ability to explore everyday life, physical properties, and to make sense of concepts such as weather, natural habitats and technology.
  • Creative Development is the ability to respond to experiences by expressing ideas and the imagination through music, dance, dramatic play and art.
  • Second Language Learning is a complex social and cognitive process. It includes phases from pre-production to advanced fluency.
  • Spiritual refers to a child’s character development, learning of biblical principles and prayer.